Round The Mountain

Round The Mountain
November 12th, 2011, 8pm
Follow this link for Tickets and more info.
My favorite musical experiences are the jams and song swaps I get to share in with kindred spirits around the country. The best music I’ve heard has come to life at camp outs, on porches, in living rooms and kitchens, usually late at night, when the evenings gig is a distant memory, and the soul is flowing freely. It’s these laid back sessions that give space for a brand new song someone’s trying out, a group jam on an ancient fiddle tune, or a rousing sing-a-long of some classic you haven’t heard in years.
The music at these kinds of things is always acoustic and always personal. That’s been the spirit of the concert series I started a few years ago and call, Round The Mountain. It’s People music, Folk music, Roots music. Whatever the name, you know it when you hear it, and that’s the kind of music I’ve tried to cultivate once a year at The Creative Alliance. I think of it as a chance to hang out with some of my favorite players and listen to what they feel like playing. There’s always collaboration and cross-pollination, some sing-a-longing, and usually it goes longer than it ‘should’, but the way I look at it, that’s the best thing you could hope for.
Round The Mountain is my living room jam and I want all of my friends there to experience it. I get to introduce beautiful musicians to Baltimore, and the mix is infectious. Everybody loves on everybody. The audience gets to hear folks they’ve never heard of, and maybe wouldn’t get a chance to otherwise. And the musicians get a wonderful crowd of open and generous folks. Plus, this year, the Creative Alliance has added a Marque Lounge in the front where we can sing and dance until the wee hours after the show itself wraps up.
It all happens on Saturday, November 12th at 8pm, at The Creative Alliance near Patterson Park, in Baltimore, The Greatest City In America.
The ticket price is distributed equally between all of the performers, and I think it’s about the best deal you’ll get for your dime. Check out these performers: The Honey Dewdrops, Hugh Campbell, Anna Roberts-Gevalt, Elizabeth Laprelle, Leah Weiss, and Gary Wright. And get your tickets early. You can do that through The Creative Alliance. Over the phone, at 410-276-1651. In Person, at 3134 Eastern Ave. Or online at,
Hope to see you there!